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Nutritious seeds for pregnant women are recommended by experts

The healthiness during pregnancy is extremely important because if the mother is healthy, only then will the baby be healthy. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement adequate nutrients for pregnant mothers throughout pregnancy. And nutritional seeds for pregnant women are always a topic of interest to many mothers. So what are the best nutritional seeds for pregnant mothers recommended by experts? Let’s find out in the article below.

Effects of nutritional seeds for pregnant mothers

According to research by nutrition experts, supplementing nutritious nuts is extremely good for pregnant mothers during pregnancy because it brings many benefits to both mothers and their babies including:

Effects of nutritional seeds for pregnant mothers
Effects of nutritional seeds for pregnant mothers
  • It provides nutrients for both mothers and babies during pregnancy such as protein, fiber, vitamins B, E… Or Omega-3 – a fatty acid that the body cannot produce on its own. These substances are essential for intelligence development in children.
  • It enhances resistance for both mothers and babies: Nutritional granules contain anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory substances, helping to strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of postpartum infections.
  • Using nutritional seeds after birth will help children develop intelligence and thinking capabilities from early ages
  • Supplementing nutritional seeds for pregnant women helps mothers reduce snack cravings, control their weight better while still providing all the necessary nutrients for their children.

It can be seen that nutritious seeds are considered a very good food for both mothers and babies. So what are the related recommendations by experts? Below are the top 10 nutritional seeds that experts advise pregnant mothers to supplement during pregnancy:

Top 10 best nutritional seeds for pregnant women

There are many different nutritional seeds for pregnant mothers, each type of nutritious seed will bring different benefits to mothers and babies. Below are the 10 most popular nutritional seeds for pregnant women:

1. Almonds

Almonds contain many important nutrients such as protein, fiber, unsaturated fatty acids and minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iron and vitamin E,… bringing many health benefits to pregnant mothers:

  • Supplements high fat content, provides instant energy and helps maintain the health and development of the fetus.
  • Folic acid is also found in almonds, which is an important vitamin that helps support the development of the brain and nervous system of the fetus.
  • Almonds contain unsaturated fats, fiber and antioxidants, which help to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and maintain cardiovascular health during pregnancy.
  • Antioxidants and vitamin E in almonds help strengthen the immune system and protect the body from infections.
  • Almonds contain fiber and protein, which help reduce cravings and maintain a healthy weight range.

The best time for mothers to consume almonds is within the first three months of pregnancy. They can eat 2 meals a day in the morning and evening, with only 10 – 11 seeds each time.

2. Macadamia nuts

The next nutritious nut for pregnant women that mothers need to supplement is macadamia nuts, which can bring various benefits to both mother and baby such as:

  • Macadamia nuts contain Omega-3 and vitamin groups such as A, E, B that help stimulate the baby’s brain development during pregnancy.
  • Macca contains folic acid which helps reduce the risk of birth defects during pregnancy.
  • Protein and abundant sources of trace minerals support the development of children’s bones and joints.

When pregnant mothers use macadamia nuts, it helps improve anorexia, stabilize the digestive system, reduce intestinal diseases, support skin improvement,…

Experts recommend that pregnant mothers should eat 10-15 macadamia nuts/day, which are divided into several meals.

3. Walnuts

Walnuts are considered a superfood for pregnant women thanks to the health benefits they bring.

  • Walnuts contain many important nutrients such as protein, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, magnesium, iron and vitamin E. These substances not only provide energy for pregnant women but also help with comprehensive development of babies.
  • Walnuts are also an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, especially docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
  • Supports cardiovascular health for both mothers and babies
  • Walnuts provide fiber and antioxidants, help maintain intestinal circulation and strengthen the immune system in children.

For the best health of mothers and babies, pregnant mothers should only consume roughly 30g of walnuts, equivalent to about 10 nuts at a time.

4. Cashew nuts

The next recommended type is cashew nuts, one of the key export products of Vietnam’s agricultural industry. Therefore, buying cashew nuts in Vietnam is certainly simple. This is an extremely good food for pregnant mothers because.

  • Cashew nuts are rich in protein, fiber, unsaturated fats, vitamins and minerals necessary for the comprehensive development of the fetus and the health of pregnant women.
  • Fiber found in cashews has the ability to enhance digestive function and maintain intestinal circulation. This helps to support digestion and reduce the risk of constipation, a common problem during pregnancy.
  • Cashew nuts contain omega-3 and omega-6, which help to protect the cardiovascular health of pregnant women. These fatty acids have the ability to reduce bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and increase good cholesterol levels (HDL), thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems.
  • Cashews also provide a range of vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, calcium, magnesium and zinc. These substances play an important role in the development of the fetus’ bones, muscles, nervous system and immune system.
  • Cashew nuts also contain vitamin K, which helps support and promote blood clotting in pregnant women. At the same time, this vitamin also helps prevent the risk of hemophilia in the fetus or hemorrhagic disease in the newborn.

Cashews have many different nutrients, it is suggested not to add too many cashews at once. Or just eat a moderate amount of 15-20 seeds/day and divide evenly between meals.

5. Lotus seeds

Lotus seeds have been included in many precious Vietnamese oriental medicine remedies. Because this type of seed brings many benefits to pregnant mothers such as

  • Pregnant mothers who suffer from lack of sleep or insomnia should supplement lotus seeds or eat lotus seed dishes to help improve their sleep.
  • Lotus seeds are rich in fiber, which helps maintain intestinal circulation and reduces the risk of constipation, a common problem during pregnancy.
  • Lotus seeds are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which are both essential for the brain and vision development of the fetus.
  • Lotus seeds provide important vitamins and minerals such as vitamin E, B-complex vitamins, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. These nutrients play an important role in supporting the development of the fetus’s bones, muscles, immune system and nervous system.

Lotus seeds contain high oxalate content, so you should eat them in reasonable amounts to avoid consuming too much at once because it is not good for both mothers and babies.

6. Chia seeds

Chia seeds are considered a super food for health and especially have many benefits for pregnant women such as:

  • Chia seeds contain a lot of fiber, which helps maintain intestinal circulation and prevent constipation, a common problem during pregnancy. Fiber also helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and control the feeling of fullness longer, helping pregnant women feel more comfortable after eating.
  • Chia seeds provide high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, especially alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). Omega-3 is important for fetal brain and vision development.
  • Chia seeds have protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium and manganese… these are all good nutrients for both mothers and babies.

7. Pistachios

Pistachios also contain many nutrients necessary for the development of the fetus and mothers

  • Pistachios contain antioxidant nutrients, vitamin E and anti-bacterial compounds, which help protect the body from damage from free radicals and external influences.
  • Pistachios are rich sources of monounsaturated fatty acids and omega-6 fatty acids. These fatty acids are necessary for the development and functioning of the brain and nervous system.
  • Pistachios provide a large amount of fiber, which helps maintain intestinal circulation and prevent constipation, a common problem during pregnancy. Fiber also helps maintain stable blood sugar levels and control the feeling of fullness longer, helping pregnant women feel more comfortable after eating.
  • Pistachios are also a rich source of protein, iron, calcium and magnesium. Protein is an important element to build tissue and muscle in the body, and also provides energy for pregnant women and fetuses. Iron is an important component of red blood cells, helping provide oxygen to the body and preventing anemia. Calcium and magnesium are necessary for the development of bones, teeth and the nervous system of the fetus.

Pistachios are high in calories, so consuming too many can lead to unwanted weight gain.

8 . Sunflower seed

Sunflower seeds are a rich source of fiber, vitamins and minerals, very beneficial for the health of pregnant women. First, sunflower seeds contain fiber, which helps maintain intestinal circulation, reduces constipation and supports a healthy digestive system during pregnancy.

Sunflower seeds are also a rich source of vitamin E, an important antioxidant. Vitamin E helps protect cells from free radical damage, while improving immune function and reducing the risk of inflammation. In addition, vitamin E also plays an important role in the development and function of the nervous system.

Sunflower seeds are also a rich source of protein, providing essential amino acids for the body’s tissue creation and growth. Protein is an important factor in the development and recovery of fetal muscles, bones and cells.

9. Pumpkin seeds

The nutritional seed recommended by experts for pregnant women is betel nut. Because pumpkin seeds are there.

  • High fiber content helps pregnant mothers improve digestion, prevent diarrhea and the risk of stomach infections.
  • It is good for pregnant mothers’ cardiovascular health.
  • Tryptophan helps reduce depression and negative emotions in pregnant women during pregnancy.
  • Thanks to the ability to regulate insulin levels, pumpkin seeds help mothers prevent the risk of gestational diabetes more effectively.

Points to note when supplementing nutritional seeds for pregnant mothers

Supplementing nutritious nuts for pregnant mothers is necessary. But when adding these product lines, mothers need to note the following:

Points to note when supplementing nutritional seeds for pregnant mothers
Points to note when supplementing nutritional seeds for pregnant mothers
  • Choose a reputable source of first-class seeds on the market: Buying nutritious seeds for pregnant mothers is quite easy. You can buy it online or at grocery stores. Avoid buying nuts that are damaged, moldy or have an unpleasant odor.
  • Used nuts need to be stored in an airtight container in a cool place or in the refrigerator compartment.
  • Add a sufficient amount according to the recommendations of experts
  • Nuts should be processed properly, and it requires a suitable combination of nuts or with yogurt.
  • When conditions such as stomach pain, nausea, or dizziness occur after supplementing nutritional seeds for pregnant women, mothers need to stop using it and seek help from a doctor.


It can be seen that supplementing nutritional seeds for pregnant women is essential. However, mothers are advised to carefully research nuts before adding them to their daily diet.

This is also an opportunity for women to do online businesses as wholesalers and retailers of these items. Many women are planning to sell this product but have not been able to find a reputable wholesale source of nutritious seeds at competitive price. Let Viet Linh support you since we are committed to bringing beneficial policies to women when developing retail/ wholesale nutritional seeds. Please call hotline 0345.128.188 for the best support.